New poems are of dignity and wisdom
Prayers to Mythos & Other poems
Jim Glenn Thatcher
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Well crafted poems
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From the back cover
In Prayers to Mythos, we meet a wise and talented poet who, like Joseph Campbell, knows that transforming the self and the world first requires one to transform the myths that inform that world and self. In the “Mythopoeia” tradition of Blake, Tolkien, and C.S. Lewis, Thatcher asks us in the title poem, to “Let the old myths perish, let the new myths rise—/Rise again within us, O Mythos, Reveal thy self as our Selves.” This poetry collection then is ambitious and a transcript of his journey to reimagine the mythos of himself and his world. Often, the language is incantatory and shamanic, and the visions experienced are that of a true mystic. Read this book, then, as a field guide for how you, too, might reimagine your life and world; but read it mostly for the poems’ trifecta of wisdom, gravitas, and beauty!
—Dennis Camire, Author, Combed by Crows; Founder Portland Poet Laureate Programs.
Latest poetry book by David Sloan rises above
A Rising & Other Poems David Sloan
Available now—click on the cover to visit page
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Well crafted poems
A graduate of the University of Southern Maine’s Stonecoast MFAPoetry Program, David Sloan teaches at Maine Coast Waldorf High School in Freeport. His debut poetry collection—The Irresistible In-Between—was published by Deerbrook Editions in 2013. His poetry has appeared in The Café Review, Chiron Review, Innisfree,Lascaux Review, Naugatuck River Review, New Millenium Writings, and Passager, among others.
He received the 2012 Betsy Sholl Award, MWPA Maine Literary Awards short works poetry category in 2012 and 2016, The Margaret F. Tripp Poetry Award, the Goodreads Poetry Contest a third time in July, 2015, Maine Poets Society inaugural award 2018, and has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize.