Antique Densities: Modern Parables & Other Experiments in Short Prose by Jefferson Navicky is a winner in the Book Award for Poetry...Read More

Tymothy Ogene’s honorable mention, and other achievements
Timothy OgeneTimothy Ogene was born in Nigeria, but has since lived in Liberia, Germany, the US, and the UK. He...Read More

Award winning writers
Elizabeth Tibbetts, won the Bluestem Poetry Award in 2002 for her book In the Well. Her chapbook Perfect Selves (2001) was published...Read More

Lesser Eternities by Jim Glenn Thatcher, a finalist in the Maine Lit Awards for poetry
Jim Glenn Thatcher has been called, ". . . the high priest of cosmic embrace." (Betsy Sholl—former Maine Poet Laureate)...Read More

New books from Maine authors
Jim Glenn Thatcher was a finalist in the MWPA Lit Awards for poetry 2018 KIN S FUR by Margaret Yocom...Read More
Descent & Other Poems receives 2017 Luschei Prize Honorable Mention
We received notice from Kwame Dawes:" I would like to thank you for submitting your exciting new Deerbrook Editions book Descent &...Read More